Learning to pay attention to whoever or whatever is directly in front of you will greatly improve your performance on stage – and at work, no matter what it is you do for a living.
One Word Suggestion: Sincerity
Along with patience and compassion, sincerity is one of those qualities we all probably wish we had more of — or at least wish other people had more of.
One Word Suggestion: Kindness
Kindness at home? That’s usually pretty easy with our loved ones. Kindness at work? Where we spend 80% of our time? That can be a bit more of a challenge.
One Word Suggestion: Editing
Editing is that little voice in your head: Should I say this? If I do will people get it? Will I look stupid? What if I’m not funny? What if I get it wrong? Maybe I’ll just stand here and keep my mouth shut.
One Word Suggestion: Fear
Fear often manifests itself when there’s something we know we want to do, but we’re hesitant to try because we might fail, get rejected, or be disappointed.
One Word Suggestion: Ensemble
The word “team” is often equated with lousy team building experiences or associated with competition. Ensemble, by contrast, implies cooperation, collaboration, and unconditional support.
One Word Suggestion: Passion
People come to play knowing that they will be accepted, failure is OK – if it even exists at all, and that they can further their personal growth in a way that doesn’t feel like work.
One Word Suggestion: Integrity
Having integrity means you are true to yourself and won’t do anything that demeans or dishonours your beliefs – or anyone else’s, on stage or in real life.
One Word Suggestion: Feelings
The way you react to people, situations and events will tell you much about your values, and examining, rather than avoiding them is a worthwhile pursuit.
One Word Suggestion: Vulnerability
Vulnerability makes you strong, not weak. When we show vulnerability with confidence we share ourselves without hesitation and accept ourselves and ideally, others, fully.
One Word Suggestion: Honesty
Honesty is more than just not being a liar, it’s about operating with integrity and being truthful to yourself, to your peers, and to the world.
Good Morning Dreamer
I’ve been told repeatedly that my dreams are crazy. That I should have them analysed. That I might be nuts. That I should write them down
Luke the Rat
This book is a compendium of the emails I sent out over the course of several years that I fought the disease, along with some of the many touching and important responses from people who received them. It also includes general notes and journal entries, as well as stories about the people in my life, without whom I would surely already be dead.