You might think something as simple as sharing an infectious smile with a stranger is too weird, too awkward, or too hard, but it shouldn’t be.
#7 Gratitude – Thanking Dr Nelson Chao
It’s not often you get to thank someone for saving your life.
Stuff My Wife Says aka
My wife is smart and sassy. But sometimes she gets her mixed words up. We think it’s funny. Maybe you will too. Read all the latest humdingers here.
Eran Thomson Freelance Writer Writing Samples
Depending on what you’re looking for, I may be able to share examples of writing that matches your project or publication. For now, take a look at some of these.
One Word Suggestion: Ankle
Basketball players wear high tops and gymnasts use lots of tape, but less demanding activities, like the ones you do around the office, require a different, but equally important, type of support.
One Word Suggestion: Hippos
If a cocaine sniffing hippo starts chasing you, run in a zig-zag because they can only run in a straight line.
One Word Suggestion: Parasite
Do you have parasites at the office? People who take credit for other people’s efforts, or who bring snacks and coffee to meetings, but never share any ideas? Improv can help.
One Word Suggestion: Parachute
Use your fear as a divining rod. Do what makes you uneasy. Do the thing that scares you most, and discover new things about yourself. Just do it safely.
One Word Suggestion: Firetruck
Even if you plan for a bushfire, it is not going to go to plan. When the wind changes direction there has to be a new plan. And when plans fail, you must improvise.
One Word Suggestion: Pineapple
If you’re the kind of person who sometimes comes across as a bit prickly on the outside, but the people who know you think you’re sweet, you might be a “social pineapple.”
One Word Suggestion: Freedom
We went in hoping to help inmates find some joy and arm themselves with tools for survival on the outside. I don’t know if we succeeded.
One Word Suggestion: Lipstick
In improv terms, is essentially “yes, anding” your face. Accepting the reality and building on it, working with what you have to make something even better.
One Word Suggestion: Pizza
Improv teaches you to take risks. Trying new things on a pizza, the stakes are low. But on the job, we tend not to take risks at all because if things go wrong, we get burned.