Get what you want, not by trying to be bossy, funny or cool, but by doing what’s necessary to make your whole group look good instead of just worrying about yourself.
One Word Suggestion: Uncertainty
Ambiguity is not something to be feared but a given… We never have complete and perfect information. The best way to succeed in life is to revel in ambiguity.
One Word Suggestion: Watching
Our ability to observe people and situations and translate those observations into useful opportunities for personal growth and development is wonderful.
The Near Death Experience
Master Storyteller, The Moth Finalist, and Founder of Australia’s fastest-growing comedy school, Eran Thomson, takes to the stage to recount all 17 times he’s nearly died (along with a few close calls) in his action-packed hour-long Australian debut.
One Word Suggestion: Mindfulness
People have become so preoccupied with themselves and their phones they’re not only becoming less mindful, they’re becoming dangerously mindless.
One Word Suggestion: Criticism
If people keep telling you that you have a tail, sooner or later, you’re gonna have to turn around and take a look.
One Word Suggestion: Courage
For those of you out there who feel like a lack of courage is holding you back from living the truly good days you wish for, I’m here to tell you, fear is an illusion.
One Word Suggestion: Acceptance
People who say “no” live in the comfort and security of their own world. People who say “yes” go on to live lives filled with glorious adventure.
One Word Suggestion: Assholes
I was going to write this suggestion off as inappropriate and off-topic, but the reality is all of us probably know or work with at least one person who is, in fact, an asshole.
One Word Suggestion: Panic
We’ve all probably experienced panic at some stage in our life. And the first thing to do if you start to panic – in any situation – is to just breathe.
One Word Suggestion: Success
Sometimes we get caught up in the trappings of success only to realise later in life that the things we thought would make us feel successful don’t define it for us at all.
One Word Suggestion: Balance
I probably shouldn’t be saying this because we’re still building the improv community here in Australia, but there is more to life than improv.
Hooked on Hopium
“Hopium” is when you HOPE the marketing materials you invest in will actually work without a strong rationale or understanding of why they should.