Click the green buttons for a full description of everything you get with each review level.
Get the review that's right for you.
USD - Usually $4497
- Note: This is not a series of pre-recorded webinars or a group class. It's just you and me, making greatness together.
- Includes:
- Full creative portfolio review
- 4-8 weeks of personalised creative coaching
- Creative direction to make your folio shine brightly
- Up to 18 hours of co-conceptual development
- Weekly reviews and creative check-ins
- Live one-on-one Q&As
- Suggested tools and tech to help you win
- Full technical website audit
- Folio shared with headhunters and agency recruiters
- Additional pay-as-you-go co-concepting time as desired
- Small client guidance and support
- Invaluable support materials:
- The secret to getting great creative briefs – with examples and templates you can give clients/account people/strategists
- 67 idea-generation hacks that will get you creatively unstuck
- Guide: How to develop an idea that sells and sell it – with a real case study
- My incomplete and ever-growing list of other places to keep learning
- Soon:
- Access to my private creative community
- Wisdom from other creative professionals who know their shit
USD - Usually $1497
- Includes:
- Full creative portfolio review
- Creative direction to place your folio high above the rest
- Live one-on-one Q&A
- Up to three hoursof co-conceptual development
- Additional pay-as-you-go co-concepting time as desired
- Suggested tools and tech to help you win
- Full technical website audit
- Folio shared with headhunters and agency recruiters
- Option to upgrade to a private review
- Invaluable support materials:
- The secret to getting great creative briefs – with examples and templates you can give clients/account people/strategists
- 67 idea-generation hacks that will get you creatively unstuck
- Includes:
- Top-level 10-minute video review
- Top-level website technical audit
- One free review per person