Having integrity means you are true to yourself and won’t do anything that demeans or dishonours your beliefs – or anyone else’s, on stage or in real life.
One Word Suggestion: Feelings
The way you react to people, situations and events will tell you much about your values, and examining, rather than avoiding them is a worthwhile pursuit.
One Word Suggestion: Vulnerability
Vulnerability makes you strong, not weak. When we show vulnerability with confidence we share ourselves without hesitation and accept ourselves and ideally, others, fully.
One Word Suggestion: Honesty
Honesty is more than just not being a liar, it’s about operating with integrity and being truthful to yourself, to your peers, and to the world.
Eran Thomson on the Shaw Show Podcast: What Makes Zuper Super?
Eran Thomson, Founder and CCO, and Jess Ellerm explain why and how Zuper superannuation exists.
Make This One Thing Mandatory for Millennials
If you happened to catch Simon Sinek’s recent interview on Inside Quest about millennials in…
I Got Stuck in the Chimney
I’m excited to be joining the team at Chimney. Partly because it means I get to make more funny things, but also because their Scandinavian origins mean that I can talk like the Swedish Chef in meetings.
#1 of the Best Iphone Filmmaking MasterClass Sydney
Channeling my inner MacGyver led to the invention of the “Stick Steadi-Cam,” that was featured in an Apple Store seminar on iPhone filmmaking. The films it was used on is a wonderful souvenir from a wonderful trip to Sri Lanka.
Bustin’ Rhymes Badly at a Wedding
My friends asked me to be the Master of Ceremonies at their wedding. This was an easy “yes” followed by an uneasy, “now what the fuck do I do?”
Aqua Feara
I grew up terrified of water. Tubs, showers and lawn sprinklers were never an issue, but lakes, rivers and the ocean were.
#1 Best Cop Stories: The Rattla
I have lots of cop stories. Don’t judge me. I was a good kid, just mischievous – and often, unlucky.
ESPN World Series Baseball Campaign
No other sport, institution or organisation has inserted as many expressions or turns of phrase into the English language as baseball
Eran Thomson Writer / Director Reel
Looking for E.T.’s latest reel? Congratulations. You came to the almost right place. You are literally one click away.