Show me your portfolio. I'll show you the way. 1

Show me your portfolio. I’ll show you the way.

Sign up for one of my free creative portfolio reviews.

Polishing and presenting your creative portfolio can be time-consuming and sometimes a bit daunting.

All the most successful creative pros have at least one other pair of eyes look at their work before sharing it with the world.

So I am offering free and paid portfolio reviews to help copywriters, art directors, and anyone else working in the communication arts, transform their folios into guaranteed gig-getters.

Can you afford not to let me have a look?

Share Your Folio

For any creative professional a hard-working online portfolio is their most important money-making tool.

But most portfolio websites are filled with mistakes and often work against the person they’re designed to help.

Get your free 10-minute creative portfolio review.

Throughout my career, I’ve looked at thousands of portfolios and helped hire hundreds of creative professionals like you.

I am confident I can help you create a perfectly crafted portfolio that gives you the best chance of taking your career where you want it to go. 


 I will provide detailed notes – if I have any – to help you make your work and/or folio even stronger.

And get the job of your dreams.

Why? Because making it as a creative person can be hard.

Especially right now in this current economy.

And even more so if you don’t have a mentor or boss who has time to help you take your work to the next level.

And also because these days creatives who are looking for work almost never get direct feedback on their books anymore.

You email a link, and if it doesn’t go to spam, and the person you sent it to clicks it, likes what they see, and is hiring at your level, maybe they call you.

But that call is usually about availability and money – not the quality of your ideas or work.

The face-to-face folio review feels like a thing of the past. And without them, how are you supposed to get your book good enough to get a gig?

“Just finished portfolio school and currently applying and taking interviews. It’s tough out here! Even getting feedback alone seems impossible.” – Eric Remme

If you’re already in a role, chances are you don’t get much face time with your CD. Especially now that so many people are working remotely.

If you’re in the office two or three days a week, I can pretty much guarantee your CDs are busy for all of them with little to no time for meaningful mentorship and creative guidance.

The quality of work suffers, and so does morale. Creative people need creative feedback and so I am here to share it.

Doing these reviews makes me better too – each one forces me to say more than just “I like this” or “I don’t like that.”

I have to explain why and how they might be improved which helps keep my own creative brain in shape.

The free portfolio review is called the Bronze Boomerang and you can catch yourself one right now.

I’m also offering paid reviews and creative coaching – you can check those options out here:
Silver Skillet, Gold Gull, and Titanium Torch.

Or if you just want to chat about the business and strategies for success, you can book the Red Whistle.

The bottom line is, I am here to help.

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