An overwhelming abundance of words
A creative portfolio review
by Eran Thomson
N.A. - Designer/Creative Director
One of the biggest things we can learn from Nicole’s site is not even design related.
It’s to make sure you have an SSL installed wherever your site is hosted.
That’s what puts the little lock icon in your browser address bar and lets people know your site is safe.
Without one some people may not be able to look at it.
Others might see a malicious site warning and choose not to proceed.
Nicole told me her site doesn’t look great on mobile.
I didn’t check, but then I saw that she has a section on her site for UX.
That’s another thing that needs to be fixed and she’s already on the case.
I like the way Nicole has created sections for each item in her folio – this makes it easy to scan.
But there are inconsistencies with how she uses them.
And there is waaaaaay too much copy in my opinion for a designer. Or anyone.
There’s some nice work here and mostly it just needs a bit of a tidy-up and edit.
Thank you Nicole for sharing your portfolio with me.
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Who am I?
My name is Eran Thomson and I’m an award-winning CD and writer/director.
I’ve worked at places like BBH and TBWA, started an agency that got acquired – and freelanced everywhere, man.
You can shred my folio or roast my reel using the buttons below.
And learn more about me using the links in the footer.
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